It will be live on and en español at

We are trying to get everyone who has symptoms to get tested. We have the ability to test 6,000 people per day.
We have 62 testing sites around Utah.…
Because we have kept people out of hospitals through social distancing, we have maintained capacity to treat people who need it, says @GovHerbert
Currently, we are in a high-risk situation (red).

This is NOT going back to business as usual. There are still significant risks, especially to people with underlying medical conditions or who are older than 65.
• Maintaining a distance of 6 feet from others.
• Wear a face mask when out in public.
• Please start using a mask. It’s important.
• Continue working from home if possible.
• Limit out-of-state travel.
• Avoid large groups.
• Playgrounds should still be off limits.
• Shopping should be infrequent to limit trips.
• Schools will remain dismissed through the end of the school year.
• Screen employees for symptoms
• Keep customer groups apart through rearranging seating.
• Screen customers
• Clean more frequently.
More info will be shared throughout the week on
Some areas may need more restrictions based on local case counts.
Remember that we cannot get to a zero risk. Life has risk. We are trying to manage the risks we face.
Today we are announcing:
A Mask For Every Utahn
Order yours:

COVID spreads through droplets and even a cloth mask significantly stops the spread of droplets.
Be part of the team.

Check back to later and you can place your order.

Total positive cases: 4,343 (+110)
Lab Tests: 102,439 total tests (+2,244)
Hospitalizations: 370 (Cumulative)
Estimated recovered: 1,704 (Cumulative)
Deaths : 45 deaths (+4)
A: That is still under review and we will have more information in the next day or two.
A: We don’t release the names of facilities, but if someone at a long-term care facility becomes infected, everyone in the facility gets tested.
A: Anyone with even mild symptoms should be tested. In terms of antibody testing, there is a high false positive rate, so we need to figure out who can benefit best from that test. There’s still a lot we don’t know.
A: The change to moderate is a slow change meant to protect those who are most vulnerable to effects of COVID-19. We still need to social distance, wear a mask and stay home when sick.
A: If there are areas of continued or active outbreaks, local health officials will work with state health to grant a variance if needed. This helps maintain local control and advice.
A: Large group gatherings (sports and religious groups) will probably be some of the last activities to return to normal. For now, many need to worship in a different way.
A: We understand this is a mentally challenging time. There are local resources for mental health in each county.
A: We brought in state employees to support. We are confident we will have enough to support contact tracing throughout the state.
Stay safe, stay strong, stay healthy.
Today’s briefing has concluded.