Coronavirus is a new virus. This is NOT influenza. Yesterday, we announced a recommendation for more social distancing so we don't spread disease.
Utah’s schools are dismissed for a period of two weeks in order to help prevent the spread of novel coronavirus in our communities, says @GovHerbert
Our local school districts have been working closely with local health departments. We want to protect the health and welfare of the people of Utah. @GovHerbert
Let me be clear: This is a preventative measure. This decision is guided by input from scientists @GovHerbert
U.S. community spread of COVID-19 is in more than a dozen states.
We don't want to become Italy or Seattle, he says. We can avoid this.
Fatality rates can be lower by implementing school closures earlier rather than later.
“It’s sound science.”

By #flatteningthecurve, we are able to buy time to implement more options for treatment and testing, says Dr. Kurt Hegmann from @UofUOEH
We are not reacting to a confirmed COVID-19 case in any of our schools, rather we are entering a critical new phase in the fight to stop the spread of COVID-19.
greatest preventative measure we can take – right now.
The reason we are using the word ‘dismissal’ and not ‘closure’ – is because a ‘dismissal’ allows for local options and opportunities.
communities BEST, and have been working
with their local health departments to
assess risk.
We want to leave options for local districts
and charters to address the following:
students who rely on school meals.
We imagine this turning into a ‘grab
and go’ system, where it is needed.
- One-on-one, or small group tutoring,
where it is needed.
- Continuing services for students with
instruction offline instruction, or a
combination of both.
- If a school is already online, they
should continue business as usual.
-Staggering pick-up of school
work, books, or other items to take
home for the 14-days.
Schools, do not direct kids to rush in and clear out their lockers.
"We are not ending the school year by any means."
This means education will continue to move forward, as quickly as possible.
We need to work together if we are to eradicate this threat.
Utah has always been different. And this will be no exception.
.@GovHerbert We are making this decision to prevent the spread of coronavirus.
Parents need to take responsibility and talk with teenagers about how they are going to spend their time.
A: It depends on the school district. Some districts are on break right now.
A: @SpencerJCox we recently met with the tribal groups and we will continue meeting and coordinating with them.
A: The @UTBoardofEd is meeting this week and will be discussing this. We will take further action as needed.