We are announcing additional preemptive measures today, says @SpencerJCox

We are working to mitigate the spread of coronavirus.
The processes we are going to announce are solid and based on good science.
These decisions are based on the assumption that this will become more serious. @GovHerbert
• Limit mass gatherings to groups of 100 starting March 16 (church, concerts, conferences, etc.) This doesn’t apply to schools yet.
• We want local health to assess the situation with schools
• if you are over 60 avoid gatherings of gatherings of more than 20 people. Same for immunocompromised people
• work from home if you can
It’s going to have an impact and disrupt our economy, but the health and welfare of our citizens is the primary concern.
These steps will help slow COVID-19.
“It’s better for us to be too early than to be too late.”
Please be rational and reasonable and kind as you continue preparing.
We will get through this together as we work together, says @GovHerbert
Remember 80 percent of people who get COVID-19 will be just fine.
We wish we were testing more and we will be. Eventually, we will be able to test 1,000 a day.
Now we have 5 Utah residents who have tested positive for COVID-19
2 @utahjazz players
3 residents (1 each in Davis, Weber-Morgan and Summit health districts)
Please use telehealth and/or call ahead before just showing up at the doctor.
If you don’t need to go, don’t go.

Current cases of COVID-19 do not represent community spread.
You can still live your life, but if you are sick with any respiratory disease, stay home.
Our actions are supported by our values.
We have cancelled university events and all nonessential university travel.
we are cancelling classes starting tomorrow through Tuesday and then moving classes to online format.
But effective immediately, we recommend cancelling out of state travel for school-sponsored trips, she says.
We will share information with ticket holders and partners separately.
We are confident this experience will help us become stronger and more unified.
Let’s take care of each other. Check on your neighbors, but not if you’re sick.