They operates at Rs 35K per sq ft. This is 3x of Future Retail. And 2x of Spencers Retail. And 3x of Kirana (though Kirana is not a like to like comparison)
They've an overall gross margin of 15%. The same for Future and Spencer Retail are 27% and 21% respectively.
They've mastered the art of X-selling fashion and general merchandise SKUs in-store.
As a result, they have shorter credit cycles and are able to further negotiate better pricing from suppliers.
And it's not just COGS, their total operating cost is a mere 1/3rd of its peers - i.e. 7% vs 21% for both Spencer and Future.
Their rent cost is a mere 0.3% of revenue vs 5% for Spencer and 7% for Future.
They also have a frugal DNA which results in a lesser 'other cost', hiring more contractual labour etc
They grew from Rs 8.6 Cr revenue in FY16 to Rs 20K Cr in revenues. This is 32% CAGR vs industry's growth rate of 12% CAGR during the same period.
They saw a PAT margin of 4.7% in FY19 while Spencers and Future saw 0.4% and 3.6% during the same period. <end>