On Michael Gove
And on a “cavalier attitude”
From a man who sought a fellowship of experts whilst a minister
After all Michael and Boris wrote an expertly crafted and thoroughly detailed Brexit plan
"To that end, Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, the two leading figures in the Leave campaign, have drawn up a blueprint for implementing a Brexit. Sensibly, it calls for flexibility and a period of reflection."
They need us more than we need them
Our liability bill will buy as a deal
We have many solutions to the NI border
The EU will collapse
AND be banging on U.K. doors on 24/6/16 to gift the U.K. a trade deal unsurpassed in human history
“Of course EU countries will continue trading with us on a tariff free basis - they would be damaging their own commercial interests if they didn’t. That’s why EU politicians would be banging down the door for a trade deal on Friday 24/6/16”
If the 24th June 2016 was when the EU were going to bang on U.K. doors surely best to leave a government led by Cameron in place to welcome them with open arms and let open global Britain receive the unicorns and cake promised
After all a party who chose a policy of austerity for ideological purposes surely can justify what it views as the common good
It is the latter, the “Protestant work ethic”, which led to the country reaching the lofty heights of the British Empire, according to Mr Gove, pursuing “a global, maritime, buccaneering, individualistic, liberal destiny”.
Well the party that brought you go herd and 27,000 deaths so far
I want to hear about what and how they define “mistakes”
Just argue on the science
After all you say you followed it