With her father's backing, Asma'u set up the Yan Taru organisation.
The Yan Taru organisation was a collective of travelling teachers, trained by herself, then sent...
Her school, taught men, as well as women and those not of her faith.
Nana Asma’u was also a historian and an archivist of her father’s work; a governmental advisor, to her brother...
Asma'u was also a poet, who used her poetry as teaching aids and a translator, who used her skills as a polyglot, to enhance learning.
Many of these are historical narratives, but they also include elegies, laments, and admonitions.
Her works include and expand upon Dan Fodio's strong emphasis on women leaders and women's rights within the community ideals of the Sunnah and Islamic law.
Nana Asma'u died in Sokoto in 1864. She was 71. #HistoryVille