I am someone betwn d age of 35-45. Married. Hve a kid. Wife doesn't work. Am a higher/mid level exec wid a large Co.
I hve 5 yrs worth of savings in financial assets - stocks, bonds. I hve bought the flat tht I live in on a 20 yr loan in 2016.
Usually take 1 dom trip every yr & a foreign trip perhaps once in 2 yrs. Go to movies 2x a month. Eat out 2x a week
Then Covid happened.
Now after 6 weeks of WFM, boss tells me on Zoom "sorry but Co is immediately cutting Salaries by 20% this yr and no bonus" Rumours of downsizing hve also begun
Suddenly govt has also announced a special Covid tax on people in my salary bracket bringing down my take home by another 10%. I don't hve confidence to take family out to movies
What happens next ?