Anti-lockdown protesters in Germany are being accused of being “conspiracy theorists” with “the paranoid belief that elites are imposing an oppressive ‘corona dictatorship’ on the public”.

“One of the bed-rocks of the ideology of liberal democracies like ours remains that conspiracy theories are always wrong, and those who espouse them are mental incompetents” - Robin Ramsay, Politics and Paranoia…

Exposure of covert wrong-doing by the authorities originated on the Left.
But then came a key moment in the 1960s when US intellectual Richard Hofstadter wrote an essay called The Paranoid Style in American Politics.…

When elements of the “radical” Right started criticising the US-dominated military-industrial complex, or “New World Order”, in the 1980s and 1990s, some on the Left turned and ran.…

Comments Ramsay: “There is almost nothing the Left fears more than being associated in some way with the Right. We are dealing with concepts and psychological forces here such as purity and contamination”.…

"For the first time in history cowardice becomes a sublime quality, fear is always justified and the only kind of ‘courage’ which escapes scorn is that of approving and supporting all the abuse and infamy of the state” - Gianfranco Sanguinetti…

"Their magical weapon is the term 'conspiracy theorist'. No sooner is it brandished, than all need to refute fact or engage logically is dispelled in a great puff of newthink smoke. The argument has been won without even the need to address it!"…

Why would any genuine opponent of the capitalist system have a problem with exposing, to as many people as possible, detailed evidence of the hypocrisy and mendacity of that same system?…