It is a very measured, thought through and well considered management of the lockdown - with a view to save lives as also to gradually allow the economic cycle to kick-start. 1/5

1) Standalone shops,neighborhood shops, residential shops
2) Medical clinics,OPDs
3) Self driven cars, two wheelers allowed
4)Industrial & office activity
Not allowed
1) Barber shops,spas,salons
2) Non essential e-commerce
3) Public transport

(In addition to what is allowed in Red Zone)
1) Barber Shops, Spas
2) E-commerce (non - essential also)
3) Auto Rickshaw, Cabs (with limits on passengers)
Not allowed
1) Inter district bus
2) Intra-district bus
3) Public transport

(In addition to what is allowed in Red & Orange Zone)
1) Inter & Intra district buses (seating limitation)
Prohibited all India, irrespective of Zones
1) Malls, shopping complexes
2) Air,Rail,Metro travel
3) Schools,Gyms,Large gatherings

Except emergency medical services & essential supplies - stay home.
Important: Sates may make classifications stricter but not lighter, based on their local assessment.
Let's follow the guidelines. Stay safe. 5/5