Calling the far right incompetent provides an excuse for their actions that masks the true intent.
The Radical far right are very competent at committing harm. And that IS the goal.
Medical experts have informed leaders what the realities are. Some leaders choose to ignore the advice & expertise.
But it’s not ALL right wing leaders. It’s just some.
It’s disdain for low income and the working class. Delusions of superiority over cultural groups, low income earners and pandering to business owners.
Teenagers, unskilled labourers, the disabled.
That was the UCP rationale for reducing minimum wage for teens. It still is the rationale for ignoring worker safety & relaxing COVid-19 protocols.
It’s not incompetence that defines Kenney and UCP policies. It’s malice and contempt for everyone that doesn’t donate large sums to keep them in power.
The election is over. UCP no longer requires their vote. They are now (and always have been) disposable.
The people at Cargill & JBS meat plants deserve better than to write off their sacrifice to incompetent leadership.
Where do paleolibertarians get off deciding whose life is more valuable?
Why do citizens continue to give them that power?
Essential workers
Health Compromised
What does it say about our worth by allowing politicians to intentionally put those people at higher risk?
Is that price too high? I presume the families & friends of those who are being sacrificed might believe so.
People’s lives are at risk. Death or lifelong impairment is the sacrifice we are allowing our government to risk every essential worker, senior & health compromised member of our society.
Whether it’s one life, a hundred lives, or 10,000 lives, the expectation anyone should be sacrificed at all is reprehensible. Immoral. Unethical. Malevolent.
We have not given political leaders the right to decide if our lives are worthy of protection. We’ve given them the responsibility to protect ALL lives.
If politicians are unwilling to fulfill their obligations to every citizen, especially the most vulnerable, we need to remove them.
Everyone is at risk. All citizens are being deluded into believing it’s safe to lift restrictions. Essential workers are being forced to put their lives in peril to keep the oligarchy in profits.