If there was none, then please, put none in their mouth.
I know you want to help, but sometimes the best help is doing nothing but rushing to an ER.
If there’s food or fluid in their mouth, roll them gently on their side..
the corner of their mouth. If they are not convulsing, you can use two clean fingers to scoop out what’s in their mouth.
Loosen tight clothing
Check their airway to make sure there’s no obstruction
Do CPR. Then rush to the hospital.
DO NOT place a pillow under the head of an unconscious person.
DO NOT slap an unconscious person's face or splash water on their face to try to revive them. Rather, Raise their legs at least 12 inches above the ground.
I hope lessons are learnt from this and I hope no innocent person goes down for this.
Most importantly, May her soul rest in perfect peace and May God giver her family and friends the fortitude to bear this loss.
One day it might be the determining factor between life and death of a loved one.
It will hurt to learn that a loved one could have lived if you had not just put fluid in their mouth.