Reports from the front-line… 1/…
@BIFA – one of the organisations running courses sponsored by a £34m gov fund – has suspended classroom training till June, and online registrations are down 80% since Feb 2/
`There is a significantly long way to go,’ said Marco Forgione, DG of the Institute of Export, which helps run the program 4/
He also said people made redundant by coronavirus should re-train as customs professionals.
`In a lockdown world, they should be using this time to acquire the skills, get the qualifications' 5/
More than a month later, they’d had no reply.
We wrote earlier about how virus is sapping Whitehall 6/……
When Britain leaves the EU’s customs union, it’ll need to handle ~200m extra customs declarations a year, per industry estimates
These will be required whether there’s a UK-EU trade deal or not 9/
Or firms just won’t bother trading with the EU because of the new cost and hassle 10/
“The U.K. has a well-established industry of customs intermediaries who serve British businesses trading outside the EU,” HMRC said in a statement 11/
They didn't give a more specific figure than `thousands', or how that breaks down 12/
I ask how the government-supported training of agents is going.
``Are they?’’ comes the reply. ``We have no knowledge of any government help’’ 13/…