Something will have to give.
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A strict border policy with the EU, requiring new paperwork and red tape, for which many businesses are still ill-prepared 2/…
Autumn/winter is likely to see another wave of the disease, laying off workers and sapping capacity at the very moment it’s needed most 3/
Small firms suffering demand collapse due to virus will be less able to spend on Brexit prep e.g. hiring customs agent, setting up new IT system adapted to UK-EU trade.
@The_IoD and @britishchambers both criticized Sunak for lack of Brexit help in Budget 5/
The virus is a more pressing and urgent problem, so Brexit planning has slipped down the agenda.
`They can’t focus on everything at the same time,’ says @BastidonPauline at the Freight Transport Association 6/
Traders being stopped by EU officials for lack of paperwork (customs forms, rules of origin docs, export health certificates), causing tailbacks at Dover-Calais etc. 7/
Even as the virus hits the negotiations, the U.K. is standing firm 8/