We now see who the producers and who that parasites really are
If the people marching on capitals across the country really want to change thing they should be marching to the gated communities that house our elite CEO's and billionaires.
Put down your tiki torch and pick up a pitchfork.
The reality is they don't have a choice They are the desperation class that can't afford a day off
They are the 60% who cannot afford a $1000.
Global Pandemic is that unexpected emergency and it is making that desperation worse.
Why else would one choose to risk their life for minimum wage?
Producers v. Parasites
By parasite they not only mean the unemployed welfare queens but POC, the poor, the elderly, low skilled (now called essential) worker, or simply YOU
Master v. Wage slave
My position at the time was you don't get to sign the front without the people who sign the back
The GOP still sees it differently as we are bailing out corporate America
Are you on the side of the "producers" who are snout deep in the bailout trough?
Or the "parasite" forced to risk your life for pennies and praise?
Which side?
It's like searching for the elusive Dodo bird.
Corporations don't give workers good wages, hours, and conditions out of the goodness of their hearts.
They are forced.
Nothing is given.
We must stand and demand.
Do we allow the wealthy and powerful to continue to drive us down roads of poverty wages, No health or old age security, and deadly conditions or do we March up Solidarity Hill to a more just future?
What we decide future generations will have to live with
Where there are no strikes you have no freedom.