Answer: The GOP propaganda machine is designed to play on their fears.
Do you all know about that Cell Biology article that showed brain differences between conservatives and liberals?
MRI scans revealed that self-described conservative students have a larger amygdala than liberals.
(I'm summarizing from the article. I'm NOT a biologist)
The amygdala is an almond-shaped thing in our brains.
In other words, conservatives are more fearful.
Liberals have more gray matter at least in the anterior cingulate cortex, a region of the brain that helps people cope with complexity.…
The well-oiled FOX-Trump propaganda loop is specifically designed to play on the fears of their base and rile them.
Like this, for example 👇
I see this and roll my eyes.
In 👇 @karen_stenner and @JonHaidt talk about an "authoritarian dynamic."
People with what they call an "authoritarian disposition" have a bias against those who are different.
They have an aversion to complexity. They're easily riled.

In other words, the political psychologist notice the same thing as the biologists: heightened fearfulness in people who identify as conservative.
The problem comes when a demagogue or a propaganda network riles them and stirs their rage and anger.
That's when we have a dangerous situation.
They vote for rich people who are robbing them because the rich people give them what they want more than economic security: Protection from their "enemies."
About the racism: Think of it this way.
Diversity = complexity, and they can't handle complexity.
To deliberately rouse their fears and rile them is pure evil.
First, they seem to fear what the are told to fear by their leaders.
A second way to answer lies in the meaning of the phrase "normative threat."
@karen_stenner and @JonHaidt in their article "The Authoritarian Dynamic" . . .

@karen_stenner made the article available free on her website:
I'm not a biologist or political psychologist so I'm not sure this example fits, but. . .
When we climbed a platform and looked a giraffe in the eye, screamed with terror. (Oops. Got down from there fast)
He didn't understand what to fear.
I'm finding that using "hierarchy v. fairness" better describes what I see.