They think government is to maintain the hierarchy and protect people from "enemies."
Thus a government order that saves lives is tyranny, but tax breaks for the rich is good government.
They don't see the third option, because it requires government working on behalf of the people.
More here:
It's hierarchical thinking: The strong will survive. The weak will not. The far right wing despises people they see as "weak."
First the message was: The people dying are on their last legs anyway (Bill O'Reilly said that) . . .
Of course, Trump protects himself because the top of the hierarchy does that.
Trump's first impulse was to let it wash over the country.
Giving out masks foils that.
I've been using "hierarchy" instead of "fascism" (because it's more descriptive and gets to ideology) but remember that a hallmark of fascism is that the individual is subordinated to the group.
Cowards actually like this. . .
This excerpt from Mussolini's writings, says it all ⤵️…

Fascist governments derive their authority from what Max Weber calls "charismatic leader" but today we might say demagogue or cult leader. Fascism depends on myth.
Democracy derives authority from rule of law, and requires truth.