330M Americans x 80% = 264 million Americans getting COVID-19 before herd immunity kicks in.
And that doesn't depend on whether the curve is steep or flattened; fast or slow, absent interventions 264 million Americans will catch COVID-19.
1.3 MILLION deaths, MINIMUM. Maybe 13 million. Maybe more. But let's use 1.3M; it's bad enough.

So WHILE we're working on a vaccine, we must keep people alive. That's one reason the shutdown makes sense: to prevent 1.3M Americans from dying before we perfect a vaccine.
We have to make it so each infected person infects one or fewer other people, instead of the current 5-7.
Simple (at least in theory): by keeping infected people away from non-infected people.
It's the best practical solution...
(Which is why people keep giving Trump such a hard time when he lies about how good our tests are and how many we're doing. They're NOT good, and we're NOT doing enough of them, and THAT'S what's keeping the damn economy shut down.)
Is there some OTHER way to keep infected people away from healthy people, if we don't even know who the infected people are?
If people are sheltering at home and working remotely and interacting as little as possible, then fewer infections will occur, R0 will decrease, and we'll reach herd immunity sooner.
Or we can "reopen" and let 1.3 million Americans (or 13 million Americans?) die.
So: unhappy about being shut down? Blame the people who are openly choosing the "million dead Americans" option instead of doing the hard work to implement testing + make things good again.