In other states, you can get a full list of a person/corporation/PAC's donations to a political candidate in seconds w a search tool. Not in Mississippi. On @MississippiSOS site, that takes hours/days.
Here's what it took. 1/
One is for reports from 2016-now, another for 2009-2015, & another for 2007-2008. In each system, I repeated relevant searches for each committee.
Cont. 👇🏻

In other states, the pre-writing work would've taken an hour or less. Cont.👇🏻
Suppose I suspected that from 2015-2019, a swampy CEO used campaign donations to influence legislators to pass favorable bills & wanted to know which reps/senators he'd given money.
How'd I find out? Cont.👇🏻
My only choice would be to download PDFs for all 122 House reps/senators.
For each, that'd include 3 annual reports (2016-2018), & 14 periodic reports for 2015 and 2019 (election years).
That's 2,074 PDFs. Cont.👇🏻
Now I have to sift through tens of thousands of pages and rotate/straighten badly-scanned files. Cont.👇🏻
But with a database like other states have, you'd get the same data on the CEO in ~10 secs. Cont.👇🏻
A non-profit collaborative could create one manually, but you'd need dozens doing this work non-stop.
That's why I was determined to do this story no matter how ridiculous the process. Please read & support:…

So there could be even more than $765,000 tied to Restart MS members. But I'm one person.