This is an excellent reflection of the Covid catastrophe. Yes it is one.
And a new 20 point comms plan for the Government.…
But nothing that led to this scale of loss and death of its own citizens.
Vallance’s warnings & report (likely June 2019) to expand diagnostic & surveillance capacity, order/stock PPE, prepare for excess deaths ignored.
This despite ample evidence they were most at risk.
Meanwhile we have been rocketing towards 55k excess deaths. One soon to be exceeded.
Tearing has been identifying 4K + new cases a day. Do the maths to see the landscape 4 weeks down the line.
Of course as testing expands to the younger the fatality rate may decrease. But not be eliminated
The virus does not care.
It just keeps on transmitting whilst the Government loses trust & confidence
“Look at the PPE we have managed to supply from China”.
And, Lo! A baby was born!
Maybe that will work.
Is it too late to change tack.
@campbellclaret thinks not.
I’m not so sure.