(@KevinH_PhD's new study - osf.io/preprints/nutr…)
Of course, the panels follow the pattern I'd speculate given the Lipid Energy Model (see CholesterolCode.com/model), but per the model, body fat/metb status is very relevant context, so note bf%...

Baseline 328±48
ABLC 760±48
PBLF 508±48
Yet Triglycerides fell for ABLC, increased for PBLF
Baseline 75±4.5
ABLC 63.4±4.5
PBLF 93.3±4.5
Why is this so important?...
Much of the FFA are esterified into triglycerides at the liver and loaded as cargo on to the VLDLs...
Most people assume TG level reflect VLDL secretion, full stop. I definitely don't.
But all else being equal, do I think most metabolically healthy subjects would see these results? Yes.
Hey @KevinH_PhD -- how many of the subjects *didn't* see their LDL/ApoB levels higher on the ABLC diet relative to PBLF diet?