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Apr 2nd 2023
26/50 The detected "SV40 promoter with 72bps indel" is a "nuclear localization signal" that means either the #plasmid or one of its expressed proteins can be transported into host cell nuclei,...
27/50 ...where the host DNA is found, creating an open question of whether host DNA interaction will occur and to what effect e.g. integration with human DNA.…
28/50 Potential effects of plasmid #contamination in vivo? Notable, five chemistry professors from German universities have been studying #Pfizer #BionTech's covid vaccine. They addressed some questions to the company. Where does the gray tone come from?…
Read 29 tweets
Mar 13th 2023
#Graphene in '#vaccines.'
Who is Pablo Campra #Madrid, the scientist who directs the research? | 07 Jul 2021
- Pablo Campra Madrid , a graduate in biology, a doctorate in chemical sciences and a full professor at the University of Almería #SoyUAL
Recent progress of #GrapheneOxide as a potential '#vaccine' #carrier and #adjuvant | Aug 2020
- functionalized graphene oxide serves as a vaccine #carrier and shows significant adjuvant activity in activating cellular and humoral immunity.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
Join us tomorrow for the launch of a new #accredited #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia covering the relationship between #LDL_C & major #CV events, CV risk categories, recommended LDL-C treatment goals, & oral therapeutic options for lipid-lowering
1) Welcome to a new #tweetorial on the primary care management of #hyperlipidemia. Our returning @cardiomet_CE expert author is dedicated #SoMe education advocate Kevin Fernando, FRCGP FRCP Edin, FAcadMEd MSc Diabetes @drkevinfernando
2a) This is the next instalment of @cardiomet_CE's 10-part #tweetorial foundational series on #lipid management! It is accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists.
#FOAMed @MedTweetorials #cardiotwitter
Read 45 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022
1) Welcome to @cardiomet_CE's new series on #lipid management! This is a 10-#tweetorial program, all #accredited, that will cover it all. Our first expert author is Paul Thompson MD @PaulDThompsonMD, esteemed #cardiologist from @hartfordhosp @UConn Med & now @MGHHeartHealth ! Image
2) This #tweetorial, accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists is supported by an educational grant from Esperion Therapeutics. See faculty disclosures at
3) @PaulDThompsonMD took on education re mechanisms & use of ezetimibe & bempedoic acid. He proposes a case: 45 ♂️ w/history of inferior wall #MI treated with primary angioplasty.
Read 57 tweets
Feb 15th 2022
1) Welcome to @cardiomet_CE's series on #lipid management! This is a 10-#tweetorial program, all #accredited, that will cover IT ALL. The expert author for this module is Robert Giugliano MD @ @rgiugliano, renowned #cardiologist from @BrighamWomens & @harvardmed ! Image
2) This #tweetorial, accredited for #CME/CE and intended for #physicians #physicianassociates #nurses #nursepractitioners #pharmacists is supported by an educational grant from Esperion Therapeutics. See faculty disclosures at
3) @rgiugliano is going to discuss care of patients taking #statins who still have residual atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease #ASCVD risk.
Read 48 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
Intracranial Atherosclerotic Disease #ICAD

#ICAD leads to changes ranging from minor wall thickening to #hemodynamically significant luminal stenosis and is one of the most #common causes of #stroke worldwide…

🧵 Image

✅10% of stroke, based on autopsy studies
✅More prevalent in #African Americans, #Hispanics, and #Asians as compared with whites

Other risk factors in table Image

In postmortem studies
👉degree of luminal #stenosis
👉% of the plaques containing >40% #lipid area
👉prevalence of intraplaque #hemorrhage, #neovasculature and #thrombus,
were higher in those #plaques associated with #infarct
🔹… Image
Read 13 tweets
May 7th 2020
1/ Initial #Lipid thoughts...

(@KevinH_PhD's new study -…)

Of course, the panels follow the pattern I'd speculate given the Lipid Energy Model (see, but per the model, body fat/metb status is very relevant context, so note bf%...
2/ This isn't a critique on their study design or its population. But I'd bet if this same study were performed on average or leaner/athletic types, we'd see a more pronounced shift in lipid values for each diet. (ie. See Volek and Phinney typical study population for comparison)
3/ Now, what I *do* want to highlight is the Free Fatty Acids going up much more with ABLC Diet vs the PBLF diet
Baseline 328±48
ABLC 760±48
PBLF 508±48

Yet Triglycerides fell for ABLC, increased for PBLF
Baseline 75±4.5
ABLC 63.4±4.5
PBLF 93.3±4.5

Why is this so important?...
Read 11 tweets
Jan 21st 2020
Study finds a “striking buildup of lipid droplets in microglia w/ aging in mouse/human #brains.” The cells, called ‘lipid-droplet-accumulating #microglia (LDAM), are defective in phagocytosis, produce high levels of ROS + secrete proinflammatory cytokines:… ImageImage
2/ Worth noting that persistent #viruses target #lipid signaling, synthesis + metabolism to remodel host cells like microglia into an environment optimal for their replication 👉 Indeed viral infection of LDAM cells cld explain ROS + proinflammatory state:… ImageImage
3/ Or since LPS induced lipid formation in the study, cld bacterial infection be involved? (…) 👉 Especially w/ more teams reporting bacteria inside astrocytes/glia in the brain? (…) Any thoughts @wysscoray @CarolynBertozzi?
Read 3 tweets
Jan 12th 2020
Check out our latest paper on @biorxivpreprint!

Phosphorylation of the overlooked #tyrosine 310 regulates the structure, #aggregation, and #microtubule- and #lipid-binding properties of #Tau…

Short #thread!

#AcademicTwitter #biochemistry #threadstory
Tau misfolding and aggregation are implicated in tauopathies such as #Alzheimers and #PSP. Tau is extensively post-translationally modified and aberrant pattern of PTMs are found in disease. Tyrosine PTMs have received the least attention, especially Y310.
Tau has 5 tyrosines, and Y310 is in the crucial position within the aggregation-prone MT- and lipid-binding repeat domain. It compacts and folds into beta-sheet structure. We asked:

How would addition of bulky negatively charged phosphogroups to tyrosines impact Tau properties?
Read 14 tweets
Dec 14th 2019
Our latest paper fresh out in @ATHjournal! We asked: "If we used an #AI algorithm to group individuals based on similar blood profile of 44 #lipid measurements, could we improve coronary #heartdisease risk prediction?" Turns out: no.

Thread! 🚨 (1/13)…
We looked to see if we could detect subgroups in the population that would have a) similar blood profiles across 14 lipoprotein subclasses and b) possible differences in CHD risk. The algorithm we use is called a self-organising map (SOM)

See:… (2/13)
SOM is a tool for multivariate subgrouping. Essentially the user puts in variables and the algorithm groups individuals based on similarity of these inputs. Here's a rough emoji-schematic of how this applies to population cohorts (3/13)
Read 13 tweets
Nov 24th 2019
😮! These findings significantly expand on a central mechanism by which persistent #pathogens drive chronic disease 👉 Namely, the ability of intracellular pathogens to dysregulate host receptor actvity in a manner that alters downstream pathway signaling:… ImageImage
2/ Specifically they found that a “vast number” of intracellular pathogens can bind (or create #proteins that bind) #receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) on the surface of host cells 👉 This facilitates their entry into the host cell + dysregulates cell signaling in numerous ways. Image
3/ Look at the figure below, which lists dozens + dozens of human #viruses with this capacity 👉 These viruses can dysregulate RTK activity to facilitate their entry into host cells by clustering in #lipid rafts, adjusting cytoskeletal dynamics, modulating endocytosis etc etc Image
Read 4 tweets

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