Thursday, so Medicine Grand rounds day. Video here: We covered virology, immunology, prospects for vaccine/treatments; pandemic update; & report from Navajo Nation. Local update first:
SF also remains on plateau, averaging ~40 new cases/day. Hospitalizations 80, down from peak of 94. 32 deaths, up 1.

@ 02:16: Sri Shamasunder (@srijeeva; @healinitiative) is 1 of 20 @ucsf RNs/MDs helping Navajo Nation. It's 2700 sq mi, ~ size of New England; ~350K people) & has 220 hospital beds & 6 ICU beds. Covid surge exposes huge shortage of MDs, RNs, vents, hi-flow O2.

@ 17:00: Amalgam of different curves, with NY getting better but rest of US plateaued or getting worse. “We’re in a steady state, 25-30K cases being reported daily. Nothing to suggest this is dropping off.”

Krogan: Drugs 1st, need drug combo; available late 2020.
Ott: Drugs first, also need combo, early '21.
Ganem: Drugs really hard. Partially effective vaccine (good enough to be a gamechanger): 2023 (3 yrs).
Once again, Grand Rounds here: Worth 90ish minutes if you have the time.
Stay safe, I'll be back tomorrow.