It was Day 1 of placements and the student was "struggling".
"I have an offer from Mckinsey and Google. And I don't know what should I do? Gawd, this is so stressful!"
"I don't have an answer for you. I have a question though. May I ask?"
(couldn't you just give me the answer and drop this Buddha persona for once!)
"Sure, what's the question?"
Something so important, that you are willing to compromise on everything else?"
"Fair. Is learning so important that you are willing to work in a shitty company, with shitty pay, and a toxic culture, but you get to learn A LOT?"
"NO! That sounds awful."
"Ok ok. It is money."
"Fair. Is money so important that you are willing to work with an asshole boss, horrible work hours, you learn nothing, but it pays you A LOT?"
"No!That sounds awful"
Unfortunately, the student had neither the time nor the inclination to go through this journey.
Ended up taking one of the offers.
And quitting in a year.
Here is the thing with us humans...
the next best thing that we want
The one thing that we truly want from life, is left unattended.
We say we are not really happy.
When we haven't done anything to make ourselves happy.
We have just compromised and settled for the average.
You then want everything
Love, security, friendship, good looks, funny, compatible, affectionate, fighter, emotional, gives space, understanding, affectionate
And loves to cuddle...
You want everything
Work-life balance, a great boss, learning, high pay, recognition, respect, brand, offsite, TT table, bean bags, smart colleagues
And free lunch...
You want everything
Stability, excitement, growth, predictability, vacations, house, car, relationships, peace, fulfillment, sleep, great food
And netflix...
It is an easy question to ask, not a simple question to answer.
It is ridiculous how many of us have never asked this question. And thus have no inkling of what it could be.
"I realized the only thing I truly care about right now is to be close to my parents"
"I want to save my marriage. Nothing else is more important"
"I am willing to do anything to get to my financial independence"
"I know it might change, but for now, I want fame."
It is not permanent.
What you want from life right now, WILL CHANGE.
And once it does, you will know what else you want, more than anything else.
And that awareness will dictate your direction.
There is no way to do that!
No one and nothing can tell you whether the choice you are making is right or wrong.
Its just probability.
And every opinion is colored with their own assessment of this probability.
The core motive/idea/problem/thought that drives you currently.
If you focus on more than 2 things, then you focus on nothing!