So, somewhere in translation, they missed the basic fact that Sanatana Dharma/Hinduism has 33 Supreme Gods and not 33 Crore Gods.
12 Adityas (personified deities) correspond to the 12 Solar months and represent different attributes of social life. The Vedic sages especially venerated the Adityas and Vedas are full of hymns dedicated to Indra, Agni, Surya, Varun and the like.
2. Ansh (due share),
3. Aryaman (nobility),
4. Bhaag (due inheritance),
5. Dhatri (ritual skill),
6. Tvashtar (skill in crafting),
7. Mitra (friendship),
9. Savitra/Parjanya (power of word),
10. Surya/Vivasvan (social law),
11. Varun (fate),
12. Vaman (cosmic law).
1. Anil (Wind),
2. Apas (Water),
3. Antariksh/Dyaus (Space),
4. Dhara (Earth),
5. Dhruv (Pole Star)
6. Anal (Fire),
8. Soma (Moon).
· 5 abstractions – Ananda (bliss), Vijnana (knowledge), Manas (thought), Praṇa (breath/ life), Vac (speech),
· 5 names of Siva – Īsana (ruler), Tatpuruṣa (that person), Aghora (not terrible), Vamadeva (pleasant god), Sadyojata (born at once)
katame rudrA iti |
dasheme purushhe prANA
atha rodayanti
tasmAdrudrA iti
Which are the Rudras ?
- Brihadaranyaka Upanishad III-ix-4: ‘
3.47.4 & 3.47.5 : Sita told Ravana (before abduction) about the time she spent after marriage in Ayodhya
उषित्वा द्वा दश समा इक्ष्वाकुणां निवेशने। भुञ्जाना मानुषान्भोगान्सर्वकामसमृद्धिनी।।
ततस्त्रयोदशे वर्षे राजामन्त्रयत प्रभुः। अभिषेचयितुं रामं समेतो राजमन्त्रिभिः।।
NOTE: Here दश is not used for ten but for Dashratha.
मम भर्तामहातेजा वयसा पञ्चविंशकः। अष्टादश हि वर्षाणि मम जन्मनि गण्यते।।
My husband who was very bold was twentyfive years and I had completed eighteen years since my birth.
The main shloka is misinterpreted there.
ऊनषोडशवर्षो मे रामो राजीवलोचन:। न युद्धयोग्यतामस्य पश्यामि सह राक्षसै:।।
My lotus-eyed son Rama is around sixteen years. I do not think he has ability to fight with the rakshasas in a battle.