And what of it? 3/
Some of them, possibly even the majority depending on the circumstances, will contract the infection.
But many will not. Those well people will be “right.” 4/
Some will get sick and recover easily.
Some will get pretty sick and recover with some effort.
All of these people will also be “right.” 5/
Here’s the fact though. Killing someone else with COVID doesn’t really leave a mark. People will always say, “They didn’t get it from me.” 6/
So few of these people will admit they were wrong. 7/
Whether we “open up” in a week or 6 months, it will be about the same. 9/
That’s actual science. 10/
1. Dead and unlikely to change their opinion and admit they were wrong
2. Alive, permanently or temporarily injured, and unlikely to change their opinion and admit they were wrong. 11/
They will never even see them. 12/
If something about a) the disease or b) the USA was likely to be different in a few months than it is today, then I might see the wager differently. 13/
None of that is going to be different. 14/
It’s not my idea but I don’t see “us” in the US developing any better plan in the last 6 weeks. 17/
It is as sure as the sun is setting over the Rocky Mountains outside my window. 18/
Meanwhile I am getting my head around what is coming and what it’s going to mean for us in healthcare, my friends, and family. 19/
Now the 7 must use all their skills and simply try not to die.
While accepting that death is a possible outcome.