From the very beginning the German #drone debate was influenced - and I would go so far and say it was poisoned - by the way the US used its armed drones: for targeted killings outside official battlespaces.
But there are few places where it had such an important impact on another country's #drone debate as in Germany
I have written about this here in @BerlinPolicy : berlinpolicyjournal.com/red-herring-bl…
I was a young PhD student in Oxford at the time and wrote about it then: blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/drones-medias-…
Reminder: the #Drohnendebatte2020 starts at 1pm German time and there is a livestream: bmvg.de/de/debatte-bew…

*in the sense that one can for ex. be for armed drone procurement for Germany,but against the Ramstein link.
I am all for more German debate on security policy (hello @Sicherheitspod! 😊)...
For @CNASdc I wrote 👇 drones.cnas.org/reports/a-pers…
Verbreitung von unbemannten Flugzeugen für den militärischen Gebrauch
(I'm no longer linking to Zeit online because of their tracking policy)