More than 8k excess deaths in the week ending 1st May than normal in England and Wales alone.
3 times as many deaths in Care Homes than normal.
I’m raging.…
With test sets being sent out with no return label, or not being picked up as agreed.
How can this be OK?

And these run at least 4 days late.
In the U.K. we are still 80% above normal.
And we are STILL pushing through c 4K new cases every single day.
This pandemic started with ONE PERSON.
We are shoving through 4 THOUSAND test positive new cases every day.
That means that ON AVERAGE COVID and its mismanagement has led to 1192 people every single day losing their lives, families losing, mothers, fathers, grandparents, husbands, wives, sons and daughters
Even if it only in their hearts.…

+ 66% higher than usual in England
• +55% in Scotland
• +42% in Wales
• +34% in Northern Ireland
And South Korea had long since grasped that if you don’t contain the asymptomaric and mildly symptomatic young they will spread it to the vulnerable.
24 deaths in ONE care home and STILL most staff not tested.
This is not a Government serious about protecting either residents OR staff who care for them.