There are a lot of "Ask the @awscloud expert" options at the #AWSsummit today.
In this thread, it's "ask the @awscloud incompetent" instead.
Hit me with your cloud questions, and I will answer them poorly.
Lastly, post with a second account something like "that's all you need to do!" The enraged answers will tell you what to do next.
If you're doing this with money to burn, I'd like to sell you my Enterprise Kubernetes offering called OpenShift.
For your existing account, the answer is a credit card chargeback. You may need to do this for several months.
It's now your duty to ooh and aah over this in countless tweets, Medium posts, and lines at Starbucks.
Then, whenever people ask if you run with X architecture, the answer is a smug "Yes I do."
A bulk update implies you didn't know them, and thus the pain serves as an instructive teacher so you make better choices next time.
The power play is to have the limit raised in multiple accounts. As long as you move the zone to a new account less than 12 hours from creating it, you won't get charged the 50¢ fee per zone per month.
This works.
But they're AWS so probably "AmazonVMware Cloud on AWS by AWS Elastic Enterprise Container Service for Fargate on Kubernetes."
Neal Stephenson made up a bunch of jargon in "Anathem" that almost makes perfect sense by the time the book was finished; the CNCF did that with project names.