People working in these fields are far more important part of society than you.AndAreLIFELINE ofHumanSociety
AndYouAreUselessPart WastingTime,MoneyAnd MANPOWERareLikeParasites.InHumanSociety.
No I AmNotBlamingAny Single
60MillionYearsPassed we got this human organism evolved from monkey. Though superior mentally and physically.Being animal LAZY.Animals
IndianCultureThisClassOf PeopleWere
The How,Why,WhenAnd Who Led this Human species to wrong path२*.And now on the verge of early extinction.
Majority is not aware, though science learned, that1.TheyAreNot
3.700 million years ago we appeared in tiny particles of
C-H-N Compound
And half Virus.
We got this multicellular human species organism.
Best ever possible from३*
Instead of using
We are using it like human animal
Our first joint responsibility is to see there's not a single unfed human left on this planet.
STOP exploitation of Labour Class that is our
LIFELINE. Eradicate poverty remove disparity
TheseAreTheCauses of Crimes,WarsAndTerrorism
Creed's,Rich,Poor,Male, Female? These Are Our BlockHead Creations.
+5 Billion years is the life of this planet.Our total approach of givingUndue ImportanceToPeoplesOf Religions,Politics
SportAndSimilar EntertainmentCause InflationMisguidesYouths
ExtravagantExpenditureOn SpaceResearchTooIfNot LimitedAllThisWillLeadTo EarlyExtinctionOfHuman