I could write on why after a Wednesday that featured PMQs & @BorisJohnson who lied to the Commons as easily as he lied to a Queen to prorogue it
public sector and exactly the same applies to elected politicians. "
it is used to listen and learn as well as to say what you want to. It is best when used as a personal channel to talk
directly with people, rather than being used as a one way broadcast channel. "
aren’t ‘in touch’ with normal people and that you ‘only see them at election times’.
are some basic guidelines to help you succeed, which this report intends to outline. "
1) Tweet yourself and be yourself
2) Tell the truth, all the time
3) Talk less than you listen
4) Tools make it easier and more effective
5) Your team can help you, but can’t do it for you
7) Hashtags improve engagement, but should be used sparingly
8) Lists save you time
9) Your views aren’t your own
10) Photos and video make it more interesting
"Because it is so quick and easy to tweet people make mistakes and there have been several high profile
examples of political gaffes."
This gives you an opportunity to think about what you’ve just said, which you wouldn’t have in a meeting or live
interview. "
"If you make a mistake on Twitter and tweet something you later regret then it is best to apologise, but leave the
original tweet in place."
"Because Twitter accounts can be set up quickly and anonymously it is easy for people to set-up fake or parody accounts about you or against you. "