Let’s play a game.
Assume you have $100. We’ll flip a coin 100 times. Your wealth will be +50% for each Heads, and -40% for Tails.
Wanna play?
Of course, you should! The expected value for each flip is $5.
But should you really? Let’s figure out.
51 cents! The median person loses >99% of their wealth!
86% people finish with <$100!
1.7% ends up with >$10,000!
The wealthiest person has $117 million i.e. ~70% of total wealth!
@ole_b_peters wrote a fascinating paper on ergodicity economics last year in "Nature Physics".
Behavioral economics routinely ignores the circumstances around us.
Since one of "YOU" will certainly win, you can take care of 9,999 of "YOU"s in all the other universes.
If a Billionaire and you (assume $100k net worth) play the above game with $50K at stake, you probably should not play this game.
Greater risk aversion can be rational under certain circumstances. And our circumstances differ.
Ergodicity primer: jasoncollins.blog/2020/01/22/erg…
Relevant Animation: farmersfable.org