I never knew @RANDCorporation came out with such absolutely nothing blogs!
(1) Combined Air Picture: IAF operates a robust Integrated Air Command and Control System (IACCS) which merges inputs from all available radar sources to build the big radar picture of air-space. #radars

A S-400 regiment will know about the air-threats (air-craft or missiles or cruise missile) irrespective of what its own radar picks-up.
(2) Radar Horizon: IAF operates multiple types of radars. These are -
(a) High Power Radar [THD-1955 ]

- These are gap fillers which provide coverage in difficult terrains where MPR might get masked.
- 32 imported unit from Thales (GS-100)
- 30+ DRDO Ashwini LLTR
- Total requirement - 67
#radars #Ashwiniradar #LLTR

- IAF employs a range of radars to track airspace.
- All this data is fused together at IACCS nodes and distributed to concerned entities.
- And as more radars enter service, the coverage will become still more expansive.
- S-400 won't work as a stand-alone system