Ants are not only much older than dinosaurs but also hundred million years older than humans.
~14,000 ant species have been identified which live in colonies that have one or more reproductive females while the rest are sterile.
However, no colony has any central control. Nobody tells anybody what to do.
They accomplish their tasks based on how frequently ants interact with each other and how the colony itself interacts with its environment. It appears somewhat random.
A defining characteristic that ant colonies have is they do NOT optimize. From the outside, it may seem the system is riddled with waste.
Only the paranoids survive and behaviors that may seem inefficient can prove to be resilient during turbulent times.
And yet, if anything this Covid-19 proved, optimizing may not be the best solution in the long run.
Not going for "optimal" capital allocation policies can make a company more resilient.
Of course, central bank/govt bailouts have shifted things to more "central" control which is the opposite of what ants would do.