Several recommendation (almost certainly already provided to Government earlier) driving forward test- trace- isolate expansion…
Neither were care home workers.
Neither were patients being discharged into care homes from hospitals.
By 12/3/2020 community testing was abandoned altogether rather that urgently expanding capacity.
1/ in one study 85% of pregnant women who tested positive asymptomatic.
2/. All of 200 in a homeless shelter who tested positive were asymptomatic. A vulnerable group.
Capacity should not determine the amount or strategy for testing.
Surge should drive capacity.
I can understand, early on, there being Hobson’s choice re capacity.
The continuing failure to scale up, however, is hard to understand and appears to have been deliberate
Were ministers told we had way too little test and trace capacity, needed more and how much more, but was refused and told to make do. Or did they not ask? If not, why not?
What is the dynamic going on?
It is not clear whether there was an active recommendation from him to expand.