What will happen to global fossil CO₂ emissions in 2020?
Daily global fossil CO₂ emissions decreased by –17% (–11% to –25%) by early April 2020 compared to 2019.
For January–April emissions fell –8.6% over Jan-Apr 2019 or –2.9% for all 2019.

* Estimates of daily emissions (granular data)
* Effects of policy interventions
* Ways to (& not to) rapidly reduce emissions
* How long will COVID be around?
* How elastic will behaviours be as lockdowns weaken?
* How can policy lock-in desirable changes?
We have a lot to learn & humbly admit we don't know what will happen 2nd half 2020...
* @IEA: iea.org/reports/global…
* @DrSimEvans : carbonbrief.org/analysis-coron…
* @hausfath: thebreakthrough.org/issues/energy/…
* @LiuzhuLiu: arxiv.org/abs/2004.13614
Check them out...
Topic: What impact is Covid-19 having on global emissions?
Panelists: @richardabetts @clequere @laurimyllyvirta @hausfath

More detailed results at: mattwjones.co.uk/covid-19/
And (online soon): globalcarbonproject.org/news/Temporary…