Part I is here⤵️
Where we left off: The hierarchical leaders who want the freedom to lie and steal and cheat have a problem: Persuading people to vote for them.
What makes this difficult is that they need their victims to vote for them.
They get certain people to vote against their economic interests by offering something they want more: Putting minorities in their places.
From @Maxboot ⤵️
(Notice the hierarchical thinking)

🔹Create pain and suffering
🔹Profit from the pain and suffering
🔹Blame the pain and suffering on “enemies"
🔹Promise to defeat the enemies
We can divide the Trump-FOX-GOP into two groups:
🔹Those who know they are being fed lies and accept them willingly and knowingly, and
🔹those who are totally duped.
And Benghazi. And Obamagate. Okay, I'll stop.…
They claimed it violated their free speech rights. It didn’t. Nobody has the right to lie. I'll deal with that in another thread.
The right wing has been debunking science and denigrating universities for decades, while nurturing conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones.…
They don't care if global warming kills people. There are profits to be earned.
Most of Trump’s base knows he is lying but they fall in line anyway. ("He's a liar, but ALL politicians lie”)
Some enjoy socking it to their enemies (Democrats, minority communities, liberals, immigrants).…
For decades, Fox said, “Believe us. Don’t believe anything ‘mainstream’ media tells you. They are the enemy.”
For some Republican strategists, lying in the 1980s through 2015 was a fun game. They could win elections! How awesome!…
But it was great! They could trounce the liberals! They could seize power! They could win!
All Trump did, in 2015, was grab the levers of a truth-stomping machine that the GOP had spent decades building.
Trump goes straight to the Fox viewers, bypassing Fox.
Trump controls the Fox viewership (Trump’s “base”) which means he controls Fox.
So Trump has set himself up as the Leader, the arbiter of truth, and the entire Fox-Trump-GOP has fallen in line.
Trump doesn't inhabit the world of facts.
He creates his own narrative and forces people into his reality.
He also seized control of a party that, for decades, has implemented Death Policies.
See all about GOP Death Policies, from Part I ⤵️
But this is getting long, so I’ll just wrap it up later, in Part III.
Early in this thread I talked about stoking racial resentment.
This took a new form after 1955 . . .
This was when the . . .
Brown v. Board allowed "free market" folks to lure the white supremacists into voting for them.
That's why I think there are far fewer in the duped category. I also think the genuinely and completely duped are victims.