Part I is here:
Part II is here:
We come now to the part when the Leader decides people must be willing to risk death (and die) and the Fox-Trump-GOP—conditioned to obey a leader—falls in line.
In contrast, the goal of a democratic (fairness) government is to improve the lives of the people.
That’s why a democratic president like Obama came up with ideas like the Affordable Care Act.
That’s why the GOP is opposed to social security, health care for all, and widespread COVID-19 testing.
(Life is too short for me to point out the absurdities and false equivalences in McConnell’s statement.)
Now, back to Trump, the pandemic, and GOP Death Policies.
They don’t know how and they don't possess the capabilities.
This was partly because a hierarchical leader who disregards truth hires people who are "loyal."
(If you like to read more about that, see: )
By federal government, they mean the “Deep State," or all those regulatory and oversight agencies that hierarchy—“free market economy”—people hate.
(I laid this out in Part I)
Moreover, using levers of government to better the lives of the people goes against the GOP theory of government. So they won't (can't) do it.
His first “instinct" in February, recall, was to let the virus “wash over” the population.
Fauci was (reportedly) shocked because this would mean widespread death.…

He treated the pandemic as a plot against him.
The New York Times reported that Trump said, “They wiped out my economy!”…

The story goes like this. . .
🔹People are overreacting to Covid-19. People die of things all the time. That doesn’t mean everyone should stay home.…
🔹Only the old, sick and weak are dying, and they were on their last legs anyway.…
🔹Besides, people should be willing to die to save the economy.
🔹Moreover, health care workers are dying a heroic death to save the country.
Fox tells the "base" that social distancing is an evil plot to steal their liberty.……
The GOP searches for “experts” who will lie.…
We all have a role to play in the story Trump created.
Which brings us back to Death Policies.
In hierarchical governments like fascism, people must be willing to die when called upon to do so by the Leader.
Now Trump has so decided.
Q: “What is Trump going to do when the facts prove him wrong and he ends up with widespread death and a collapsed economy?
A: Trump is not afraid of facts. They mean nothing to him. He’ll just tell another set of lies.
You can be as inconsistent as you please, and your minions will adapt as your story changes.
People are working against this, including a few Democratic governors.
What can you do?
Stay safe. Become a guardian of truth. Keep as many people safe as you can. Do what you can to help the vulnerable members of your community. Work harder than you’ve ever worked to make sure we vote them all out.
Rule of law (fairness) literally means the same rules apply to everyone.