How much do you charge for your services?
★ Look at other people in your niche and what they charge.
★ If you are an online freelancer, look at what other people charge on their profiles.
You might have to swallow your pride and ask directly. #createbrandbuild

- A blogger setting a cost for a campaign will have to account for gear, photographer costs (fixed costs). Time spent writing, time spent editing photos & work, social media campaigns for the brands etc. (variable costs)
You get the drift?
Make sure you are not going at a loss and you are paying yourself.
We deconstructed what everything costs and client chooses a combination. eg.
a/ Blogging 30k monthly
b/ Photography 30k monthly
c/ Social Media 40k Monthly #createbrandbuild

People assume that the higher priced items are more quality.
Eg. people buy handbags for 1k and one seller sets price at 3k another 7k. We assume the 7k one is quality.
Have that in mind when pricing. #createbrandbuild

Who is your target market?
Luxury markets charge more expensive while someone targeting lower/ middle class will charge less.
Know who you are targeting and set price accordingly. #createbrandbuild

Do you want to move more volumes (low prices) or less volumes (high prices)? Eg. I may aim to sell 100 branding consultations so I have to lower price. Or I may aim to sell 3 premium consultations so I raise price. #createbrandbuild

Have the facts above in mind before you set a price. Charge what you are worth and add tax. Do your research to ensure you are not over or undercharging.
Also watch my video