We did a study with Malawi's National Planning Commission:
Lockdown avoids about 7,000 deaths but costs $12 billion
$3 million can avoid more deaths in Malawi (4,000 times cheaper)
50 years
When people say "we should save all lives" that may be somewhat true in rich countries
But in Malawi, 22,000 die each year from HIV, and almost all could be saved
Spending $3 million to save *more* people, is better than spending $12 billion and saving fewer
But we find a similar impact for the much richer African country of Ghana ($1,700/person). Analysis co-written with the head of the National Development Planning Commission
For Ghana, we find that a lockdown will save about 16,000 deaths but cost $50 billion.
$9 million spent on smart TB policies could avoid more deaths in Ghana (5,000 times cheaper)