Fuck that!
Millions of people read sites based on RSS every day. No one controls the CMS, monetization, or client.
In an open ecosystem, the benefits are more evenly distributed.
Don’t think creators haven’t learned lessons from the record industry giving control to iTunes, or newspapers giving control to FB.
But invariably, as soon as they have sufficient leverage, they’ll apply downward pressure on creators. They’ll squeeze the ecosystem for every drop.
Amazon, Facebook, Medium.
That’s the *play*. Destroy the open ecosystem and control all the economics.
Shareholders like monopolies.
When they can pay artists less for music, they will.
When they can pay vloggers pennies, they will.
When they can pay podcasters less, they will.
When they can pay writers nothing, they will.
Email is the last bastion of the free and open web.
(Guaranteed if any company could have locked it down and controlled the ecosystem completely, they would have).
Look at what YouTubers have to put up with. Lower and lower ad rates.
Increasingly, creators are looking for more sustainable ways to make a living.
Thinkers like Sam Harris used to rely on publishers; now he can start a free podcast and upsell fans to his private podcast.
Open and independent is 👍.
I’m sure they (and their shareholders) would have moved it though!
Some things shouldn’t be owned or controlled by a single party.
It gave us the power to distribute our work, without gatekeepers.
When a single company controls distribution, we lose that leverage.
But, I’m sure MSFT would have loved it!
(Can you imagine how profitable you’d be if you could control all electronic messaging?)
Some things shouldn’t owned.
Open platforms create opportunities for small businesses.
190 million downloads/month. Hosted on Libysn. Distributed on iTunes.
That's doesn't mean RSS (or Apple Podcasts, Pocket Casts, Overcast) can't be improved; but it's incredible how well it's working already.