“Cummings himself wrote: “At the end of March and for the first two weeks of April I was ill, so we were both shut in together.”
Let’s put that timeline together with Gov Guidance theguardian.com/world/2020/may…
By 31st March Durham Constabulary confirmed that “the individual in question was self isolating”
So he and Mary and son must have driven up somewhere between Sat 28th and Tues 31st
But also very specifically in breach of Gov instructions (Johnson’s words) to stay at home
Particularly if symptomatic ALL members of the household should stay at home and NOT LEAVE FOR 14 DAYS.
In breach of that too

Yet on 5th April he was out in the garden with his son running around to ABBA.
That isn’t even 10 days
One if the reasons one is supposed to stay at home.

I mean. Johnson’s Dad took it so seriously he hightailed I’m down to the SW (in breach of lockdown)when he heard his son was seriously ill
You could not make it up.
That is pretty humiliating.
Wait and wait for them all to walk up to the hole they have dug for themselves and him.
Then sneak up behind and drop another bomb.
So neat. Delicious.
👏👏👏 Well done @DailyMirror @guardian @PippaCrerar