Stake as 50:15:35 (Central/State/SponsorBank)
8 RRBs earned profits more than ₹100 crore
13 RRBs recorded profit of
less than ₹10 crore
Rising NPAs is a concern for RRBs, also a major factor for increase in number of loss making
& low profit earning #GraminBank, mainly due to Stressed Agri Sector..
In Phase II (2011-12) No of RRBs was brought down to 56 in 2014–15.
In Phase III in 2018–19 on d principle of '1State–1RRB’ As on 31/3/2019 there were 53 #GraminBank which now 43 at present!!
From clerical to Officer it takes 5-8Years while in PSBs in takes 2-3 Years only.
Scale 1 to Scale 2 also takes 6-8 Years whereas in PSBs one can be Scale 3-4 in that time.
Really de-motivating!!
As of 3.7.2019 out of 36.06 Crore PMDJY A/c, 6.17 Crore Ac was maintained by RRBs whereas only 1.25 Crore Ac was with Pvt Banks.
Same goes with PMJBY/PMSBY/Atal Pension schemes!!