Topics: the spread, science, the politics, the globe.1/
-Cases up 42% over last 2 weeks
-Symptom monitors are off the charts 5/
-52% of the deaths were people under 75
-28% were people under 64
-~4 out of 5 had an underlying medical condition
-In every age group, more people of color 6/
Why are we able to reduce R0 so quickly? Big events & super spreaders May hold the key. 7/…
This would mean that 80-95% of infected people are not very contagious or don’t behave in a manner which increases spread. 9/

And avoiding large gatherings is key. 10/
Please have faith. But put some of it in good science. 11/
To be clear, vaccines are a 2021 event. Mid-2021 if things are going well. But so far things are going well.13/
An example. Suicide has been en epidemic for the last 2 decades, growing to record numbers each year. 47k died from suicide & 70k from overdoses in the US in 2017.
And support to fund mental health during this time has been just a joke.15/
It’s a cynical lie on the backs of people with mental illness. And the lie is filled with fake sources & fake data.16/…
20803 Brazil
20806 US
Chile, Peru and Mexico are in real trouble as well. Having seen hospitals in all 3 countries, I am profoundly worried.19/