These deaths have been largely alone, not properly mourned, without notice, discounted, under-counted, and preventable. 1/……
In those moments they are unseen. New Yorkers. Old people. Numbers.
See them. 8/…
That’s the party line. They’re only people. 10/
Extremely false numbers. 12/
These are games. These are just numbers. In the end, they don’t matter. But too many people are dying. 14/
There are even websites (with no sources or comparators) with respectable sounding names that show the data. 15/
-preventable if Trump had not eliminated nursing home regs (~40k lives)
-preventable if we had not denied this problem for even 1 more week (35k lives) 19/
-preventable if we had early testing (containment instead of community spread) 20/
Blame and hatred will so us no good to stick around. 21/
I will admit to you that like many it has been hard for me to sleep. That I can never do enough. 23/