Love Johnson has sub-contracted his brain to Cummings.
The key is to make sure that JIHNSON takes responsibility for it - as he should, because he knew about it, he turned a blind eye to it (so Cummings went back to Durham on 19/4)
That is unforgivable.
Not just OK. Lawful. Within the spirit of the rules.
Just when clear messaging that it absolutely was not is critical to saving lives.
Johnson. Gove. Raab. Hancock. Cummings and his team.
Apart from @jillongovt ascerbic cut through it has one of my favourite journalists @xtophercook reminding us of Cummings’ and Gove’s history of deceit, shiny ideas and poor execution.
A whole session talking about Cummings.
Can you imagine that in a Blair Government? No.
In fact I cannot think of any other Government where this would have occurred.
Don’t say what sort of Brexit. Just hate the EU.
And Christopher Cook’s personal story of Gove and Cummings’ willingness to be dishonest and embark upon cruel personal attacks.
Even that.