- €1100bn for 2021-27 MFF
- €750bn for #NextGen recovery instrument ie 560bn for the Recovery and Resilience Facility (ex. BICC it seems) + 55bn for ReactEU (top-up to cohesion funds) + 31bn for Solvency Support Instrument (equity fund) 1/n
- Solvency Support Instrument (5bn in 2020, 26bn 2021-24)
- Provision for InvestEU Guarantee fund increased to €15.3bn (for next MFF) 6/n
1) This is a quite significant plan and more importantly the EC is not using any wizard multiplier to reach the overall number, that's great news
2) The 2021-27 MFF €1100bn are not new and are in line with previous discussions 7/n