That’s not how the Constitution works. The First Amendment protects Twitter from Trump—not Trump from Twitter
And #Section230 doesn’t change that
Here’s why...
2) Packingham (2017) is about restrictions on Internet imposed by STATE LAW, not private actors
THE ENTIRE POINT of #Section230 is that such distinctions don’t matter. 230 applies to providers of interactive computer services—a category that applies to all websites that host content created by others
For example, Twitter IS responsible for the factcheck label it added to Trump’s false claims about ballots, but NOT for Trump’s claims OR the content the label links to
That’s so Republicans can “work the refs”—pressure Internet services not to moderate content in ways that might hurt Rs, or even to actively favor them
But the FTC won’t—can’t—sue Internet media for the same reason it hasn’t sued Fox News for claiming to be “Fair & Balanced.” As the Republican FTC Chair explained back in 2004:

(a) violate the First Amendment just as FTC action would
(b) be a political circus
This EO WILL fail in court anyway—and, along the way, meddle with speech online
All in the name of “protecting free speech”
Ironic. SAD!