If your black friends take the time to talk to you about racism and educate you, APPRECIATE IT. It's not their damn job. You have Google. You can read. Relying on black people to explain racism and your white privilege does not make you an ally. Do your part. #Blacklivesmatter
Some ways to get started:
Read @austinchanning's book "I'm Still Here."
If you're a white Christian, I highly recommend "White Awake" by Daniel Hill.
Read "The New Jim Crow.." by Michelle Alexander to learn more about systemic racism and how entrenched it is in US history.
Read "Waking Up White" by Debbie Irving and "White Fragility.." by Robin Diangelo. Have the hard conversations with the white people around you.
There's a reason for #BLM and it's not new. It's easy to ignore things when they don't affect you, the 72%.
Don't go complacently back to your racism-free bubble when the outrage dies down.
Stay livid. Stay informed. Stay educated.
HOLD WHITE PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE. This includes yourself. Don't stop learning and trying to unpack your biases.
Get to know your experience with race. Unearth and dismantle your biases so that you can help others do the same.
Listen to the stories of POC with empathy and understanding. Be a safe place in a violent, chaotic world. You don't have to have answers. Keep supporting.
Go to protests and rallies. You don't need to lead. This is not your fight or your struggle; you'll never truly understand what it's like to be black, no matter how much you read. You're here to support and be an ally.
Cops assault and murder innocent black men (and women #AtatianaJefferson#BreonnaTaylor) and get away with it. Society doesn't demand justice for their actions. You are a member of society. You are accountable. Do better. #BlackLivesMatter