1. It can start in childhood/Adulthood
2. A child can outgrow it. Some don’t
3. There are warning signs before each flare
4. Has triggers
5. Asthma shouldn’t be a limitation
6. Some parents have NO CLUE their children have asthma
1. Wheezing or whistling in the chest while exhaling
2. Coughing for weeks with a cold
3. Shortness of breathe or coughing when running sound
4. Tightness in the chest: They describe it as “chest hurting” or even tummy ache

1) Know their Asthma triggers and avoid them. Teach them too
2) Use your reliever medication as prescribed by a Dr
3) Follow your Drs treatment plan
4) Teach children to speak out when aura or symptoms occur👇🏽

5) Take children to their Drs for periodic reviews.
Let’s give Asthmatic children the freedom they deserve. #HappyChildrensDay #FreedomFromAsthma

Do you know your triggers, aura? Are you taking your medication as prescribed? Be safe.
Happy Children’s Day once more to kids everywhere.
#HappyChildrensDay #FreedomFromAsthma