@scrowder was exposing the left and building bridges that were never thought of.
@DLoesch was winning the argument on guns.
@charlescwcooke was making us think.
@ChrisRBarron Showed us ground-up GOP political activism.
@GayPatriotTM Was a shining light to new gay conservatives.
@redsteeze Gave us sharp and dry humor to understand real culture war nonsense.
@PolitiBunny Fought for us all.
@robsmithonline Stood up for himself and spoke loudly for identity outside social limitations.
@AGHamilton29 Became a source of truth when media firestorms blinded us all in smoke.
@MrAndyNgo Showed us what real, brave, courageous journalism looks like.
@bethanyshondark Showed us what brave commentary meant in our world.
@ReaganBattalion Exposed huge lies.
@bdomenech and @seanmdav rebuilt conservative news when it felt hopeless.
@CalebHowe Forced us to think about our 'Right' and 'Left' labels.
@DanCrenshawTX Became a direct voice of representation
@SouthernKeeks Challenged us to stand up for unborn life and faith.
@RealSaavedra Became our generation's Breaking News voice, one we could trust.
@stillgray Brought libertarian voices to us.
@Cernovich Angered us. Made us think. Forced us to prove him wrong.
@DonaldJTrumpJr Became a voice of influence joining forces with us every day.
@EWErickson Merged faith and social conservatism into our daily conversation.
@KassyDillon Brought the young voice of conservatism to the millennial stage.
@brad_polumbo Became an incredible voice for journalism and tough commentary. Challenging everyone equally.
@RichardGrenell Showed us what accessible, resilient, dedicated political service can look like.
@exjon Brought humor to our far too serious world.
@AndreaNRuth Stood up for ideas that were unpopular. Challenged us.
@davidharsanyi Redefined what a journalist was in our time of pure advocacy.
@jasonrantz Demanded we ask ourselves hard questions and never backed down from the left.
@JesseKellyDC Brought us humor. Strong conservatism.
@RealKiraDavis Brought style and charm and fought for us in ways we could never do ourselves.
@KurtSchlichter Reminded us what never apologizing for strong faith and morality looks like
@MeghanMcCain Brought us unflinching honesty, bridged the world of media and every day people.
@russell_nm Like me, found her voice here and became an invaluable asset in conservative writing.
@yashar Bridged the gap between right and left and brought mainstream journalism to us directly.
@michaeljknowles Stepped up as a voice of humor and faith unlike anything we've seen.
@BlueBoxDave Brought us fearless commentary and touched topics no one else would.
@RyanTAnd Made sure faith had a place in conservative thought.
@tedcruz Broke down walls between gov and us.
@MZHemingway Our Barbara Walters. Pure. Simple. Journalism.
@SethAMandel Let us see behind the curtain of the editorial world.
@ArielleScarcell Bravely showed us how to expand our view of "us."
@OrdyPackard Fought alongside us bringing us humor.
@RitaPanahi Fearless perspective with international influence.
@RonColeman Legal mastermind who never failed to stand up for us.
@AaronWorthing Legal genius who made sure we stayed rational and honest.
@EddieZipperer Real, genuine conservative advocacy.
@KIR_bigg50 Never leaves our side. The most loyal and honest man I know.
@JGunlock A voice that is always there to support you.
@JHolmsted Hard-hitting. Honest. Loyal.
@heckyessica A real voice. Modern with style. She raises us all higher.
@JennMGreenberg Our voice of conscience.
@GarrettVentry A direct bridge to our legislature and how we can influence our government.
@conservmillen Conservatism and faith.
@BuckAngel A true voice of what tolerance and open-minded debate looks like.
@GentlemanRascal Constant voice of support, humor and reason.
@JedediahBila Our very own celebrity voice representing who we are to the world.
@JaniceDean A direct voice of mainstream media standing with us.
@KarenJewel Kindness personified.
@AdamTrahan Humor and a bridge to life in liberal utopia.
@ScotsFyre Fearless protector.
@GregoryEck Our resident medical expert.
@RubinReport Literal Bridge-Builder
@ZeldaAGabriel Sweetest supporter you could know.
@Jaycollinwood A voice of gay experience in our world.
@UnrealAllan Strong supporting voice.
@InezFeltscher Brave voice that bridges our worlds together.
@LisaDeP Libertarian Goddess.
And none of this would have been possible on gab or parlor or finding each other in comments on articles.
Without Twitter this *community* would not exist.
We deserve this place here.
We have to fight for it.
Imagine this world without us.
Brilliant and brave!
And @NevilleD35 whom I couldn't find in my list but introduced me to issues facing black Americans I never considered.
And @neontaster who is far braver than we know!